Lexicon 480L : Free Impulse Responses

In about 2004 I sat down and recorded a complete set of impulse responses from the legendary & industry standard Lexicon 480L digital reverb unit. In fact it's the very same one that you can see the remote control unit for in the photograph.

The reason for doing this was so that I could have a "virtual" 480L inside the box in my Pro Tools rig via Audio Ease's excellent Altiverb plug-in.

They sounded amazing too, I A/B'd them next to the actual unit and for the most part you really couldn't tell the difference. Anyway, I've used these IR's on virtually every recording I've made over the past 15 or so years, they are my go to reverbs for vocals without question.

Over the years I have given these out to quite a few fellow producers and they have somehow found their way onto file sharing sites, as everything seems to do these days, but I can assure you that I recorded these, processed the IR's and created the presets you will find inside the download, even though other people may have tried to lay claim to them :/

So how do you use these?

There are full install instructions inside the zip file but you WILL need an impulse response player plug-in. Either Altiverb, as mentioned above or Logic Pro's bundled Space Designer. I'm sure there are plenty of other plug-ins on other platforms but I only use Mac's so that's all I can tell you about I'm afraid.

Inside you will also find the following presets for Space Designer :

  • Ambience – Gated Ambience
  • Ambience – Large Ambience
  • Ambience – Medium Ambience
  • Ambience – Small Ambience
  • Ambience – Strong Ambience
  • Ambience – Very Large Ambience
  • Effects – Doubler
  • Effects – Get It Wet
  • Effects – In The Past
  • Effects – Rebound
  • Effects – Sudden Stop
  • Effects – Surfin
  • Effects – Tremelo L to R
  • Effects – Vox Whispers
  • Halls – Auto Park
  • Halls – Jazz Hall
  • Halls – Large Church
  • Halls – Large Hall
  • Halls – Large Plate
  • Halls – Large+Stage
  • Halls – Medium Hall
  • Halls – Medium+Stage
  • Halls – Small Church
  • Halls – Small Hall
  • Halls – Small+Stage
  • Plates – A Plate
  • Plates – Fat Plate
  • Plates – Small Plate
  • Plates – Snare Plate
  • Plates – Thin Plate
  • Rich Plates – Drum Plate
  • Rich Plates – Echo Plate
  • Rich Plates – Guitar Plate
  • Rich Plates – Horn Plate
  • Rich Plates – Large Plate
  • Rich Plates – Short Plate
  • Rich Plates – Silver Plate
  • Rich Plates – Slap Plate
  • Rich Plates – Vocal Plate
  • Rich Plates – Vox Plate No.2
  • Rooms – Large Room
  • Rooms – Music Club
  • Rooms – Small & Bright
  • Wild Spaces – 1ow-40
  • Wild Spaces – 2ow-50
  • Wild Spaces – Big Bottom
  • Wild Spaces – Brick Wall
  • Wild Spaces – Buck Ram
  • Wild Spaces – Inside Out
  • Wild Spaces – Metallica
  • Wild Spaces – Ricochet
  • Wild Spaces – Sillica Beads
  • Wild Spaces – Varoom

Use them wisely and your productions will start to sound a lot more expensive ;)